




德国MAHLE是一家液压过滤器、 过滤技术以及 工业过滤器的制造商。80多年来,MAHLE一直都是众多国际汽车与发动机零部件制造商中的翘楚,为汽车与发动机行业提供高质量的零部件产品。



德国MAHLE过滤技术、 空气过滤器、 滤油器、 汽车空调滤清器以及机器与设备制造的制造商经过了DIN EN ISO 9001授权。


The success story begins in 1920 when pistons made of heavy gray cast iron were being used in internal combustion engines for automobiles.


The Mahle brothers countered this trend by producing light-alloy pistons at their small, newly established company—but the technology is still finicky and problems come up frequently. To keep dirt and dust out of the engine, they eventually developed air and oil filters as well. Their perseverance paid off: the light-alloy pistons began to take over the market.


Nowadays, half of all automobiles produced worldwide contain MAHLE components. MAHLE has developed from a small test workshop to a technologically leading, globally active Group.

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